Monday, January 9, 2017

Does The Sky Speak?

By: Sydney Janeiro

     According to our history books, the Babylonians created the signs of zodiac over 3,000 years ago. So these astrological manifestations have certainly withstood the test of time. Who hasn’t milled through the Sunday paper and paused to read their daily horoscope? Is it malarkey or fate? Do you look to the stars to uncover the scientific mysteries of the universe, or are you hoping to determine your future destiny?

     If you’re a fan of astrology, you’ve probably heard that a rather dull constellation is lighting its way into the zodiacal path. Its name is Ophiuchus (oaf-ih-YOU-kus), and according to NASA, it is the 13th constellation that aligns with the sun for 18 days. They say the earth’s axis has shifted, and the stars may not be in the same place they were when the ancient Babylonians looked up at the starry sky. Another theory is that the Babylonians knew the constellation existed, but only wanted to utilize constellations for the 12 calendar months they created. It is also possible that they chose to ignore this lackluster cluster because it was aesthetically displeasing; it ruined the uniformity.

     Whatever the reason, the possible addition of a 13th zodiac sign has left many enthusiasts bursting at their celestial seams. Should we just ignore NASA’s calculations? I mean, it’s NASA. On the other hand, it has always been just twelve zodiac signs. Ilona Soltys, a Zodiac devotee stated, “I’m not denying that it exists, I’m just denying that it’s a zodiac sign.” If Ophiuchus is inducted, it changes everything in astrology. Thought you were a Capricorn? Well, think again. You may have a new sign guiding your path. Thought you were practical? Well, your new sign says you’re adventurous.

     So, does the news of Ophiuchus leave you heavy-hearted? Or are you a skeptic of astrology altogether? Regardless of our opinions on astrology and zodiac signs, we can all agree that the constellations on a clear night are breathtaking. Their beauty speaks, and we, each on our own journey and with our own set of beliefs, look up to the night sky for inspiration.

Keep your eyes on the stars, and your feet on the ground. ~Theodore Roosevelt

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