Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Last Thoughts on Donald Trump in the 2016 Election

By: Tommy Baran

        Donald Trump is running in the 2016 United States Presidential election. He is a character with no shortage of media coverage, strong beliefs, and most importantly, care for the American people. Mr. Trump is a man who has clearly defined values. Some of the key perks of a Donald Trump presidency include a strong immigration policy, constitutionally supported gun control regulation, and an “America-first” foreign policy. Mr. Trump takes a look at America and sees that in its current state, America is weak. He sees people flooding in through our borders with minimal vetting and very limited surveillance. His plan is to strengthen our borders, by removing illegal immigrants, ending our “catch-and-release” policy on immigration, and by building a wall.

        Mr. Trump is not against the Mexican people being in the United States. Mr. Trump’s stance against Mexicans is that he wants to deport illegal immigrant Mexicans, primarily the ones that come to our country and break our laws. He has also clearly explained that he wants to secure our border. He states that he wants to triple the number of ICE (Immigration and Customs Enforcement) agents, and secure our borders. In order to secure our borders, he plans on building a large, reinforced wall. This wall’s goal is to not only stop bad people and items from coming into our country, but to keep them out, as well.

        Guns are a vital part of American culture. Mr. Trump supports the ability to own and carry a weapon, and he believes in the banning of guns for people on terrorist watchlists. With the current system, anyone who is on a terrorist watch list, in states other than New Jersey and Connecticut, can go ahead and purchase a firearm. Donald says that this is part of his plan to combat terrorism. He says, and believes in, law abiding citizens owning and using guns to defend not only themselves, but also others, in times of peril.

        Another important part of Donald Trump’s plan is his stance on foreign policy. He is all about ending American involvement with other nations, if it means we are spending resources, with little to no financial gain. He sees this as the US being used by other countries. As a prominent businessman, this is very important to him. He will put an end to this. Some other parts of his foreign policy include plans to stop nuclear deals with Iran and end hostage negotiations. Iran previously had nuclear facilities that caused many sanctions placed by the UN and the EU. The US, however, decided to sell nuclear resources to this country, when they had no supervision, and a number of facilities where they can make weapon-grade uranium. The United States has a strong motto: “The United States does not negotiate with terrorists.” This, however, isn’t always true, and, we have negotiated with terrorists in hostage situations where tactical options are not possible. Mr. Trump has decided that this will end with him.

        Donald Trump surely is an interesting candidate. He isn’t a politician, that’s for sure, but is a very good businessman. He doesn’t take crap from anyone, and wants to save America from the precarious situation that we are in now. He has strong beliefs, that go deep into the traditional American values, and wants to do what’s right for America. He is supported by many groups, notably groups representing ICE and the NRA. He is in it for the long run, and wants to shape this country into something that we can be proud of, and simply wants for us to be safe. Who can argue with that?

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